The Jaguar Daimler Owners Sports and Touring Car Club (JDOST) was founded in the Year 2007 by Wolfgang Schöbel as an syndicate and transformed to a club in the year 2012. JDOST is coopertating with the the Jaguar Driver's  Club (JDC) who is the oldest Jaguar Club in history (formed 1956). We are proud to be allowed to represent them in Austria.

We offer our members a platform for passionate drivers of Jaguar, Daimler and all other British classic cars. In addition to our monthly club evenings, we organize up to three perfectly organized club trips every year (spring, summer and autumn), as well as a practical/technically-related seminar in collaboration with HISTO-TECH in Neunkirchen. We are also represented at various trade fairs and events (Tulln Classic Car Fair, Classic Expo Salzburg, Vienna Classic Days).

We also offer: exchange of experiences when buying and selling vehicles and spare parts, assistance with repairs and restorations.

Our members receive discounted conditions through our various collaborations.

The JDOST Club is Member of the ÖMVV and is representing the only ones XJS CLub in Austria.

If you got Questions or would like to become a Member, fell free to concat us: