I quickly wanted to pull out the obligatory envelope in the hope of getting the “rivet”. But not at all, I was awarded the contract, that's what I got out of it - well, here's the report:

Read more: Autumntour 2023

For more than 30 years, the Vienna Classic Days have developed into a traditional event and a cultural event in a class of its own. On August 26th and 27th, 2023, the rolling automobile museum in Vienna presented itself from the most beautiful side.

Read more: Vienna-Classic-Days 2023

On Monday, June 26, 2023, around 9:00 p.m., the majority of the participating Jaguar-Daimler-Owners met at the loading point at Vienna Central Station to load our four-wheeled cats onto the passenger train to Feldkirch.Unfortunately, the condition of the ÖBB sleeping and couchette cars and the alarm systems on two motorcycles that were not deactivated did not allow for much sleep.

Read more: Summertour 2023

"Wood - Glass - sheet metal" is a really original title for this year's spring tour. Sheet metal is perhaps self-explanatory as a lover of English sheet metal, but glass? Or wood? This didn't open up for us at first, but made us curious.

Read more: Springtour 2023
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